This page contains multiple drawings
Object(s): IC 418      Observer: Mark G.Birkmann 
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)     Date/time of observation: 10/13/99      Location of site: New Haven, Missouri (Lat ~38, Elev ~700')     Site classification: Rural     Sky darkness: 5 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>     Seeing: 6 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>      Moon presence: None - moon not in sky      Instrument: 40" f/5 dob     Magnification: lowest power 125x      Filter(s): OIII, H-beta, Orion Ultrablock      Category Planetary nebula      Class: 4      Constellation: Lep      Data: mag 10.7  size 12", central star mag. 10.1      Position RA 05h:27m 28s DEC -12:41' 50" 

Description:  This small planetary showed a thin inner ring of  light blue nebulousity equal in thickness to about one half the diameter of the bright central star.  The outer ring was equal in thickness to the diameter of the central star, was an obvious red color, and was immediately adjacent to the inner ring.  The border between the two rings was not sharply demarcated.  Rather, the blue ring faded into the red ring over a short distance.  The red was not seen above 250x. 

      Drawing by Vincent Le Guern.