Object(s): M 74, NGC 628
Observer: Mark G.Birkmann
Your skills: Intermediate (some years) Date/time of observation: 10-12-99 7:30 UT (2:30 CDT) Location: New Haven, Missouri (Lat ~38, Elev ~700') Site classification: Rural Sky darkness: 5 <1-10 Scale (10 best)> Seeing: 4 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)> Moon presence: None Instrument: 40" f/5 dob Magnification: lowest power 125x Filter(s): OIII, H-beta, Orion Ultrablock Category: External galaxy. Class: Sc Constellation: pisces Data: mag 9.2 size 10.2 x 9.5 Position: RA 1h:36.7m DEC +15:47 Description: This galaxy was fairly dim except for the central condensation, which was relatively bright, as well as the condensation near the end of the longest of the two spiral arms that I could make out on this night. Both arms were faint but the short arm was by far the fainter of the two. Four stars were superimposed over the central part of the galaxy. The star just above and to the right of the central condensation may have been a condensation. |
Rich Jakiel |