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Object: NGC 2610 (PK 239+13.1; PN G239.6+13.9; ARO 64;
Observer: Yann POTHIER (France) Your skill: advanced (many years) Category: planetary nebula Constellation: HYA Object data: Vmag=12.7; Bmag=13.6; 38"x31"; type IV+II; central star of Vmag=15.9; discovered by W. Herschel; ELCAT: [OIII, 496+501nm] = 5 x [Hbeta, 486nm]. RA/DE: 08h33.40m, 16°09.0' (2000.0) Date and UT of observation: 27 December 1994, about 02h00UT Location & latitude: La Clapiere Obs. (France, latN44 40 00, longE06 27 36) Site classification: rural, alt.1650m (5500ft) Limiting magnitude (visual in UMi): 6.3 Transparency (1 to 5 - best to worst): 1 Seeing (1 to 5 - best to worst): 4 Moon up (phase?): no Instrument: Coulter 445mm/17.5" F/4.5 Magnification: 312-620x Filters used: OIII, UHC Description: at 312x, small to medium PN, faint to medium
brightness, oval about 42"x38" in a W-NE axis, soft edges; seen at 45x
without filter and even at 620x; center very slightly fainter; OIII and
UHC filters are providing a small contrast gain [see ELCAT data above];
well seen without filter; evident greenish color; a mag13 is just outside
the NNE border; a mag7 star is at 3.1'NE.
Vincent Le Guern. 0=perfect, 5=awful