Object(s): NGC 6886 Observer:
Mark Birkmann
Your skills: Intermediate (some years) Date/time of observation: 7/9/99, 6:00 UT Location of site: New Haven, Missouri (Lat N 38, Elev ~700') Site classification: Rural Sky darkness: 5 <1-10 Scale (10 best)> Seeing: 5 <1- 10 Seeing Scale (10 best)> Moon presence: None Instrument: 30" f/4, dob Magnification: 150x 540x Filter(s): Orion Ultrablock Category: Planetary nebula. Class: 2+3 Constellation: sagitta Data: mag 12.2p size 5.5" Position: RA 20h:12m 42.8s DEC +19:59' 22" Description: Very small, no detail, color, or central star seen. Formed a triangle with two nearby stars, the nearest of which was an obvious yellow. |