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Object(s): NGC 7662      Observer: Mark Birkmann 
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)       Date/time of observation: 9/9/99 at 8:10 UT     Location of site: New Haven, Missouri (Lat N 38, Elev ~700')      Site classification: Rural     Sky darkness: 5 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>      Seeing: 4 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>      Moon presence: None     Instrument: 30" f/4, dob      Magnification: 129x-470x      Filter(s): O-III, Orion Ultrablock, H-beta     Category: Planetary nebula.      Constellation: Andromeda      Data: mag 8.5 size 30" 

Description:  A bright "horseshoe" was seen in the center and another bright area was seen below the horseshoe.  The end of the horseshoe opposite the open end appeared to be flattened.  The rest of the nebula was fairly evenly illuminated except that the center was slightly darker.  The central star was not seen at any power.  The nebula was greenish-blue at 257x, and bluish-green at 470x.  No filter was used. 

Object(s): NGC 7662
Observer: Mark Birkmann
Your skills: Intermediate (some years)
Date/time of observation: 9/28/00 at 7:00 UT
Location of site: New Haven, Missouri (Lat N 38, Elev ~700')
Site classification: Rural
Sky darkness: 5 <1-10 Scale (10 best)>
Seeing: 6 <1-10 Seeing Scale (10 best)>
Moon presence: None
Instrument: 40" f/5, dob
Magnification: 408x, 746x
Filter(s): none
Category: Planetary nebula.
Object Class:  4+3
Constellation: Andromeda
Data: mag 9.2 (p), size 17", central star mag. 13.2 
RA 23h 25' 53.9"  DEC +42 32' 06"

Description:  A bright inner ring was seen within a relatively bright disc.  The north, south, and east sides of the disc had a small, thin bright patch located at the outer border of the nebula.  The patch on the east was the brightest.  The bright inner ring, actually an oval, was visible all the way around but was very very faint on the west side and very faint on the east side.  The faint gap on the east side was fairly short while the faint gap on the west side was longer.  The part of the nebula inside the bright ring was not as bright as the outer portion of the disc.  The central star appeared as though it might possibly be slightly to the south east of center.  The central star was visible at all powers.  The best view of the nebula was at 746x.  In this drawing north is roughly up and to the left.